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The Terme Lipik Project is worth HRK 73.3 million; the Project will enhance the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage in Lipik; it will also put into service Zinke Villa – Villa of Good Water and use its tourist potential as well as the potential of the Spa Garden and Public Baths.

The project has now reached an advanced stage, especially in Marija Terezija Street where Zinke Villa, or the future Villa of Good Water, is under construction and already taking on its planned new look, before the eyes of Lipik’s citizens.

The Villa of Good Water celebrates Lipik’s thermal heritage and local culture of water treatment through a contemporary and attractive interpretation and presentation, sharing to Lipik’s citizens and visitors the story of the identity, tradition and uniqueness of Lipik in an interesting and unique way. It is a meeting place for residents and travellers, a place for playful learning and exchange of ideas, a place for creation and innovation. Upon completion of the construction, on the ground floor of the Villa of Good Water there will be an entrance area of a 345 m2 in surface and an entrance hall, a souvenir shop, employees’ offices, a coffee bar and a themed children’s playground. The basement will feature a permanent museum exhibition named “The World in a Drop of Water” of a 215 m2 in surface; a permanent museum exhibition “The Golden Age of Lipik” of a surface of 255 m2 will be on the first floor. A multifunctional hall of a surface of 345 m2 will be located on the second floor, and the facility will also feature an elevator.

The permanent museum exhibition “The World in a Drop of Water” tells a story about water in 5 interactive exhibits: what it is and how it is formed and how thermal waters are formed; visitors can learn about water circulation in nature and its impact on man and nature, about different states of matter and movements of water, and much more. Most of the exhibits are in fact state-of-the-art multimedia and IT multisensory displays which encourage visitors’ interaction and learning.

The permanent museum exhibition “The Golden Age of Lipik” positioned in an open space with elements of scenography and installation artworks depicts the 19th-century Lipik. It emphasises the historical representation of Lipik in the context of its thermal heritage, from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages to the first rulers of the Lipik region who valorised the qualities of Lipik thermal water, to the cultural growth in the period when Lipik, connected by railway with other towns from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, became a tourist focal point in the pre-war period of the 20th-century Europe.

The art exhibitions will feature nine interactive exhibits which will, each one individually, create new experiences for visitors. The initial scenography will be the specific space of the landscaped public garden, Wandelbahn, which was the main promenade not only of the spa, but also of the entire Lipik. By taking a walk through the garden, you will get to experience the following art installations: Belle Époque Wagon, Lipik Spa, Lipik Postcard, Visit to Kursalon, Nostalgia Carriage, Lipik through History, Health per Hectolitre and Noble Lipik Water. Within these art installations, you will be able to enjoy a virtual, 19th-century train ride, and to be photographed by a 19th-century photographer; you will hear about the history of Lipik, visit Kursalon and take your chance in gambling, dance and playing music instruments; you will even try out a horse carriage through Lipik, and much more.

The space of the multifunctional hall is intended for a wide range of events such as lectures, workshops, concerts, plays, exhibitions and art residencies. The hall has 100-120 seating positions, and the facility will be fully adapted to persons with reduced mobility and hearing and visual impairments.