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The Terme Lipik Project is an integrated project for the development and revitalization of the cultural heritage of Lipik, a town known for its natural beauties, cultural and historical heritage and a centuries-old tradition of tourism, whose heritage suffered severe destruction in the War of Independence. This very important project aims to enhance the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage and putting into use of the tourist potential of Zinke Villa or Villa of Good Water, Spa Garden and Public Baths. This was stated by project leader Veronika Prhal, in the introductory part of the launch conference of this project, which took part on 29 March in the conference hall “Quelle” in Lipik.

“The Terme Lipik project is the most financially valuable project of the Town of Lipik, which is also the holder of the project, with its partners the Lipik Spa and the Lipik Tourist Board. In addition to the financial value which amounts to a total of HRK 73.3 million (grants amount to almost HRK 62 million), we see even an greater value in the restoration and revitalization of cultural property. The implementation of the project began on 1 January 2020 and will last until the end of June 2023; the goal of the project is to restore and preserve cultural heritage and to put into operation and use the tourist potential”, pointed out Veronika Prhal.

This project will change everything

The mayor of Lipik, Vinko Kasana, emphasized the extreme value of this project which refers to tourism development in Lipik.

“Nothing will be the same in Lipik after the conclusion of this project”, said Mr. Kasana. He used the opportunity to thank the Croatian Government for their support and for recognising the needs of Lipik and the fact that it is a tourist town, saying once again that, after the implementation of this project, many positive things would happen for our town.

Projekt Terme The importance of the Terme Lipik Project is great because of its link with tourism. It will position Lipik once again on a map of tourist destinations. “It is exactly what our town deserves”, stated the mayor, adding that, with the new the Interpretation Centre in Zinke Villa the town will get a multifunctional hall for tourism presentations and presenting water-related attractive content. The Spa Garden and Public Baths restoration are no less important. Those are the three valuable elements which will visually wrap up the look of the town, as well as the tourist offer, he concluded.

The mayor also mentioned the fact that today, Lipik is a large construction site because there are currently fourteen open construction sites. He pointed out that projects worth more than HRK 260 million excluding VAT are currently being implemented in Lipik.

A journey to restore the former glory

“At the International Exhibition of Flowers and Plantation Gardens in Budapest in 1910, only Lipik Baths, of all the baths in the Monarchy, were awarded a state gold medal for their gardens, swimming park decorations and lush exotic vegetation. This news, published on 19 May 1910, in the Zagreb daily newspaper “Obzor” issue no. 135. is one of the historical confirmations of the golden age of Lipik Spa, as a renowned resort in Central Europe founded on the benefits of geothermal water, which received guests from all parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and abroad”, said the Lipik Spa director Darko Kelemen.

“It is globally known that, in Lipik, the water not only has a healing power, but also the power to attract healthy people who want to have fun or just to relax in peace. Because of our awareness of the healing, cultural and tourist value of the thermal mineral water, the landscaped public garden and the entire complex, ten years ago we started the project of revitalization of the landscaped public garden and reconstruction of the Public Baths as the oldest spa facility in the park. We did not then realize that these projects will be crucial in obtaining support from the EU funds. With the realization of these projects, we continue the journey on which the former glory will be restored as a cultural and tourist attraction, and to complete our rehabilitation and spa offer”, said Mr. Kelemen, thanking the Croatian Government and line ministries, as well as Požega-Slavonia County for recognizing the importance of this project, as well as the Town of Lipik, which responsibly and successfully carries out the project.

The Director of the Regional Development Coordinator of Požega-Slavonia County, Senka Horvat, who is also a delegate of Požega-Slavonia County Governor Tomašević, expressed her satisfaction with the beginning of a large and important Terme Lipik Project, recalling that a part of the grant was provided from the Development Agreement for Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem.

-“We are not only working on the renewal of cultural and tourist heritage, but we are also giving it new functions and capacities”, said Ms. Horvat.

The importance of EU funds can be seen in Lipik

Davor Huška, the Director of the Directorate for Finance and Information and Telecommunication Systems at the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, and, on this occasion, the delegate of the Minister Tramišak pointed out that the importance of our country’s membership in the European Union and the importance of European funds can be seen today in Lipik, where numerous projects were or are still being implemented.

In the further course of the conference, the project was presented to the participants in “Quella” by Daria Adžijević (assistant project manager), Anita Tudović (project coordinator of the Lipik Spa) and Dragana Beuković (expert for promotion and visibility of the Lipik Tourist Board).

On that occasion, they emphasized that the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage and the commissioning and use of the tourist potential of the project unit includes Zinke Villa (Villa of Good Water), Spa Garden and Public Baths.

It has been pointed out that the implementation of the project will raise the standard of interpretation of equipment and quality of cultural and tourist facilities in Lipik, improve the system of promotion and distribution of cultural and tourist facilities on the domestic market and raise awareness of local population about valorization of cultural assets.