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Terms of Use

The content on the website is protected by copyright. Unauthorised use of any part of the website, without the consent of the copyright owner, shall be considered a violation of copyright and is subject to legal action. Documents, data, and information published on the website may not be reproduced, distributed, or used in any way for commercial purposes without the express consent of the City of Lipik. Documents, data, and information published on this website may be used only for users’ individual needs, respecting all copyrights, proprietary rights, and the rights of third parties.

By using the content of this website, the user accepts (i) all risks arising from the use of this website and agrees (ii) to use the content of this website solely for personal use and at his/her own risk. City of Lipik fully disclaims any responsibility (i) which may in any way arise from, or in any way relate to the use of this website, (ii) for any actions of users using or misusing the content of this website, and for (iii) any damage that may occur to the user or any third party in connection with the use or misuse of the content of this website.

These web pages also contain documents, data, information, and links to other websites created by third parties that will, wherever possible, be marked as such.

The website uses the so-called cookies to provide our visitors with the fully functional website and the highest quality content. Cookies are a set of data generated by a web server and stored by a web browser on a user’s disk in the form of a small text file.

Persons using these pages (hereafter: Users) also unconditionally agree to these Terms of Use and it shall be considered that they can accept these Terms of Use and that they understand all of the risks related to such use of the content published herein

The use of the content available on the Internet pages (regardless of whether it is freely available to any User or it is available on a limited basis by the use of secure information technology systems and applications) is only permitted in the manner and under the conditions set forth in these Terms of Use.

Every other use of the content available on the Internet pages is subject to the appropriate legal protection and to the application of legally available measures toward the User and/or a third party that makes use of the content available herein.

Published content

Content that is published and available on the Internet pages includes text, graphics, trademarks, logos, photographs, videos and other audio-visual content, computer applications and databases, and other technical and informational materials regardless of the method of their presentation or publication or their availability to the User.

Ownership of intellectual property rights

The content published on the Internet pages is protected by the regulations governing the ownership of the intellectual property rights and every unauthorized use can represent a basis for the initiation of a procedure to protect those rights against a User by City of Lipik or a third party that holds the copyright. Upon publishing copyrighted content, City of Lipik will show the name of the author of that content, i.e., the copyright owner, in an optimal way that will not lead to increased costs or the implementation of special technical solutions.

Accessibility of the Internet pages

City of Lipik cannot always guarantee the availability of the Internet pages to all types of devices and browsers, and all communications links. The Internet pages can be unavailable entirely or partially, temporarily, or longer, for technical or other reasons (maintenance, errors, unavailability of the communications links, force majeure, decisions of public authorities, etc.) City of Lipik shall not be held liable for any damages arising from the unavailability of the Internet pages. City of Lipik can at any time carry out modifications to the Internet pages in any way and in any form, which includes changes to the visual identity, design, architecture, content management system, and other application solutions related to the functioning of the Internet pages.

Character of published content and liability of City of Lipik

Content published and made available on these Internet pages is of an exclusively informational character and has been acquired from sources that City of Lipik considers reliable, without any type of guarantee from City of Lipik, explicitly or tacitly, that it is accurate, timely, complete and/or suitable for a specific purpose or specific use. The User shall use such content at his own risk and City of Lipik shall not be held liable for any damages arising from the use or interpretation of the same. The published content and information do not in any way represent an offer or an invitation to make an offer for the buying and selling of, or any other type of transaction in connection with, the published content and information.

Method and purpose of the use of the content

City of Lipik grants to the User limited, non-transferable, and nonexclusive permission to view, print, copy, and in any other way use the content of these Internet pages, exclusively for personal and non-commercial use, i.e. for the purpose of promoting Croatia as a tourist destination, under the condition that such downloaded content is not changed or deformed in any way (including publication on web pages of a morally inappropriate content) and that City of Lipik is identified as the author of that content.

Any other method or purpose for the use of the content is permissible only with the prior written consent of City of Lipik and/or another legal owner of the content copyright, only by the party to whom that consent was given and, in a way, and for the purpose cited in that consent.

Method of accessing Internet pages and the published content

Access to the Internet pages is available for an unlimited number of people with the appropriate computer equipment and Internet connection. City of Lipik reserves the right in certain cases (maintenance, errors, unavailability of the communications links, force majeure, the decisions of public authorities, etc.) to limit the method and opportunity of accessing the Internet pages, completely or partially, temporarily, or longer, both to all Users and to an individual User or groups of Users. In any of these cases, City of Lipik shall not be held liable for any damages arising from limiting the access to the Internet pages and the published content.
Upon accessing the Internet pages and content, the User is obliged to use standard technical equipment and the usual standards and methods of accessing Internet pages. The content published on the Internet pages can be searched only using the permissible methods of information technology in a manner and in a quantity that is normal for an individual User. Every other method of searching and/or using the content that bypasses the security systems and applications of information technology, or during which certain applications or tools are used for the simultaneous downloading of an amount of data that is not normal for an individual User, represents a violation of City of Lipik copyright, for which a User shall bear the corresponding material and criminal responsibilities.

Third-party content

The Internet pages may contain third-party content, such as forums, screensavers, applications, etc. that third parties can independently download or create. City of Lipik does not guarantee that such content is completely free from third-party rights, especially in terms of intellectual ownership. For these reasons, City of Lipik is not responsible for damages that a User may incur using third-party content in any form, regardless of whether it is the result of a request from a third party or of the incorrect functioning of the downloaded content.

Right to change content

City of Lipik reserves the right to change or remove (temporarily or permanently) any content or services on the Internet pages, without prior notification and at any moment, and it shall not be held liable for any damages arising from such actions.

Links to external content

These Internet pages contain content and information from third parties and/or links to other Internet content. City of Lipik is in no way responsible for the content or external sources of data that can be reached by these links to such web pages, and it is not responsible for the conditions and the way this content is used. City of Lipik cannot guarantee either the accessibility of external content or the correct functioning of the links to that content, and it shall not be held liable for any damages arising from the access to or use of such content. Users are responsible for independently deciding if they want such content and the way they access these Internet pages via the links, and they are solely responsible for such actions and are aware of the consequences that might ensue from undertaking them.

Right to privacy and collecting user data

City of Lipik respects the privacy of the Users of its Internet pages. Data from the registration process and other information about a User will not be made available to a third party and it will not be accessible to a third party except in a case where such an obligation is prescribed by valid regulations.

In accordance with the law, City of Lipik can collect certain information about Users obtained during their use of these Internet pages. City of Lipik uses the data collected primarily to improve the functionality of these Internet pages and their content in order to direct and adapt them to Users, and it may also be used for other activities, which include the promotion of Croatian tourism, i.e. carrying out the main tasks of City of Lipik, and which includes but is not limited to:

– preparing analyses of habits and preferences of Users for market research and optimization of the Internet pages (including analyses obtained with the use of third-party tools such as Google Analytics, etc.)
– adapting the Internet pages to new and different technical solutions or the needs of the Users
– optimization of the intuitiveness and ease of access to and use of the content
– remarketing of User requests or retargeting of Users to promote Croatian tourism.

To collect specific data on the activities or request of Users, Grad Lipik may use special small files, “cookies,” that are downloaded on the User’s computer and serve specific purposes. Accordingly, Grad Lipik also publishes a corresponding cookie policy on its Internet pages, which Users will see when they access the pages for the first time. The cookie policy describes the types of cookies and City of Lipik purpose in using them, and it gives Users of the opportunity to refuse to accept cookies. On the other hand, if they accept cookies, they are agreeing to the manner and purpose of using cookies and that City of Lipik will not be held liable for any damages arising from the storage and use of cookies in the manner and for the purpose of which the User agreed to accept the cookie policy.

The cookie policy is published separately from these Terms of Use but is makes up a component part of them.

While accessing the Internet pages, City of Lipik may temporarily store the IP addresses of Users. These addresses can be stored and used only for the purpose of monitoring the activities of Users on the Internet pages (activity log) to uncover violations of law or these Terms of Use, and to establish illegal or other unacceptable activities. Information on IP addresses and the monitoring of the activities of Users can at any time be turned over to the competent public authorities to establish the legally based responsibilities of the User. The storage of IP addresses and information on User activities is temporary; the longest period that they will be held is one month. City of Lipik is obligated, in accordance with valid regulations and these Terms of Use, to protect the privacy of the Users of these Internet pages, except in the event of a violation of these Terms of Use or actions by a User that are contrary to positive regulations.

Opting out

By default, the browsing experience of website visitors is tracked by Google Analytics to produce anonymised statistics. You may choose not to be tracked (opt-out). If you change your mind, you can choose to be tracked again (opt-in).

Do not track preferences

Do not track is a function that allows visitors to opt out from being tracked by websites for any purpose including the use of analytics services, advertising networks and social platforms. Do not track options are available in a number of browsers including:

Internet Explorer

  • If you enable do not track in your web browser, Google Analytics will respect your choice.
  • If you have enabled the do not track function, you will not be tracked. This is in addition to you opting-out of the aggregation and analysis of data for our website statistics.
  • If you have not enabled the do not track option but you choose to opt-out, the cookie ‘piwik_ignore’ will be stored in your browser. All visitors with a piwik_ignore cookie will not be tracked by Google Analytics.
  • If you have disabled all cookies from your browser, we will still collect some general data about your browsing (e.g., a record of a visitor to our website) but they will be less accurate and your visit will not be tracked (Piwik cookies are not used).

Registered users

City of Lipik may permit access to certain content only to registered Users. To register on these Internet pages, a User must complete the registration procedure, provide accurate data, and select a username and password.

City of Lipik reserves the right to remove or deny the ability to use a User Account and/or one or more services for which a User is registered without prior notification or explanation.

City of Lipik shall not be held liable for damages arising from removal of a User Account and/or one or more services for which a User is registered or for damages arising from the unauthorized use of the User Account by a third party.

Severability clause

If any of the articles of these Terms of Use are subsequently established to be invalid, that fact will not influence the other articles of these Terms of Use, which will remain valid.

Dispute resolution and applicable law

All disputes in connection with these Terms of Use, including disputes related to the questions of their start, content, or termination, will be resolved amicably, but if they cannot be successfully negotiated, the competent court in Zagreb shall have jurisdiction.

These Terms of Use have been prepared in accordance with Croatian law, and Croatian law will be applied to them and to disputes arising from them, without changing the articles of Croatian law on forwarding to a third country’s legal system (renvoi) that part that is permitted by international regulations.

Changes to the Terms of Use

City of Lipik reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time and it shall not be held liable for consequences arising from such changes. These changes shall go into effect on the day of their publication on the Internet pages.